Tuesday, September 4, 2007


Is You Wife Under Threat From The Silent Killer?

Heart disease is the world's number one killer. It is responsible for every one in three deaths. It affects all women and all men without respect for where they live or how much they earn.

Did you think that only men were the ones at risk from the silent killer? Actually its a common misconception and what a whopper it is. In fact your wife is not only as much at risk as you are, current statistics are saying she may well carry a much greater risk.

Cardio Vascular Disease is THE major cause of death and disability of women in the world today. Its under diagnosed and unrecognized as such. Did you know that every year more women than men die from heart disease? And they too like men need to realize that heart disease is largely preventable.

There are more than eight million female deaths due to heart disease every year. Thats something like one in three of all deaths. Its the number one killer and yet as a world population we seem to be totally unaware of it, thinking heart disease is simply a mans domain.

Obesity is also linked to heart disease in women, and the number of overweight, obese women is on the increase in many countries across the world. Seventy to eighty percent of deaths across the globe are considered to be in middle income and lower income countries. So the myth that heart disease occurs only in rich countries is just not true.

Following the menopause womens blood cholesterol levels increase with age and quickly catch the men up. On average their cholesterol level is higher than men of the same age and if they smoke are also at much greater risk

Just because womens symptoms differ a bit from mens doesnt mean they are at less risk. Men usually have a crushing chest pain whereas women experience more subtle signs like abdominal discomfort, a feeling like heartburn and tightness in the chest.

Sometimes women experience other warning signs, shortness of breath, dizziness, nausea, vomiting and indigestion. Other times unexplained fatigue, pain in the back or between the shoulder blades or even pain in the jaw.

So is your wife under threat? You bet your life she certainly is and so are you! But the good news is you can do something about it. But you have to act now before it is too late. Once you have symptoms or an event the medical profession will get you in the loop on all those drugs and none of them will do anything about clearing your arteries. They will just treat the symptoms. Once you get on the drugs you will be too fearful to stop taking them.

Change your habits and your lifestyle now and reverse any arterial damage you have all ready done. I did and it probably saved my life


You can do something about it now before it is too late. I did and am glad I heeded the wake up call and you can too. Go to the site below and learn more about heart disease and the removal of arterial plaque.

I hope that you enjoyed this article if you did then sign up for my free newsletter at http://www.thehealthyu.com/ where you will learn health tips secrets and ways to build great health!

Hal - Runs several limited companies and consults on a diverse range of business aspects. He is a keen sportsman and has a sense of good humour.

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